Monday, June 9, 2014

Semester 2 Final

This is the final project for this year. I have put a link to the slideshow in the previous sentence, but due to a glitch in the blogger program, the pictures will appear slightly distorted. Because of this, I have also imported my photos as a movie. Again, there might be problems with the photos being blurry due another glitch in blogger. Please excuse these problems. Aside these technical problems, the assignment was to take 20-25 of our best photos from the entire year and put them in a portfolio. My year in this digital photography class was really fun, and I learned a lot about using my camera, editing programs, and much more. I had such a good time with my friends wandering around downtown taking pictures. As sad as I am to be finishing this class and this school year, I am super excited for next year and the second year photography class that I will be taking.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Project 11: Stop Motion

Project 11 entailed making a stop motion video. I did this in a partnership with my Italian friend Moni Santagata. We shot the video while on a camping trip. Due to problems uploading the video, it might be a little blurry. Anywho, the first video is below. Through a series of miscommunications, I accidentally joined two groups. The second group of people I am in is with Jaimee Kincaid and Cameron Carlson-Riddle. We made a golfing stop motion video. Here is the link to the second video: