Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Food Photography

Here is the link to Emma and my food blog:

Margaret Bourke-White

Margaret Bourke-White was an American photographer, she was a documentary photographer who was born in 1904 and died in 1971, she died of Parkinson's disease. She was the first female American war photo journalist. She was also the first photographer ever to be permitted to take photos of Soviet industry. I particularly like her work because of the pivotal time period she came from, and the influence that had. 

Here is another image by Margaret Bourke-White. I really like how this image is taken from above and how all of the people in the image are uniform and look like little tiny dots. 

Hats in the Garment District Margaret Bourke-White, New York, 1930

Jazz Final Image

Here are my final images for the jazz project.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Portland Jazz Festival

The following are posters/album covers/images I've found that I like and are inspiration for the jazz festival posters that we will be making. I found that I like the black and white posters and also things with Mt. Hood in the background. I also found one image of the stereotypical Portland hipster on it with a completely yellow filter and I thought it could be cool if the hipster had a trumpet or something. 

Beaver & Mt. Hood, Portland Oregon

Vinyl Jazz Funk Poster
All That You Can't Leave Behind, U2, Album Cover, 2000

"Portland Jazz Festival", Jimmy Mack, 2015