Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Project 8: Multiple Image Techniques

The idea for this project was to take multiple photos and put them together using Photoshop to create various different effects. The three different types of picture we created were: Panoramas, Multiple Exposure, and High Dynamic Range (HDR) photos. Multiple exposure photos create an element of movement to the photo. HDR photos have the tendency to make photos look every Sci-fi like. And finally, panoramas are used mainly for capturing landscapes. 

Multiple Exposure: Covered Playground
Multiple Exposure: Playing in the Snow
Multiple Exposure: Painting

HDR Edit: Bridlemile
HDR Original

HDR Original
HDR Edit: The Coast
There were multiple ways we were told we were able to create these panoramas. We could either take multiple photos and stitch them together in photoshop, use a setting on our camera to create the panorama, or we could use our iPhones. I created these by using the setting on my iPhone and then I edited the photos in Lightroom.

Panorama: LA Sky

Panorama: Bedroom

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Project 7:Alternative Processes through Digital Means

Cyanotype: Cameron's Balloons
For project 7, we studied alternate means of photo processing stimulated through a computer or digital camera. We studied primarily, daguerreotypes and cyanotypes. Daguerreotypes are photos taken and developed on a iodine-sensitized silvered plate and a mercury vapor. We replicated this using photoshop by putting textures we found online on top of our photographs and this gave our photos the appearance of being on a metal plate. Cyanotypes are processed using chemicals that make the photograph a shade of blue. Often, it was used to enlarge engineers work, thus creating the term blueprint.

Daguerreotype: Flowers



Daguerreotype: Lauren