Thursday, October 15, 2015

New York

I recently got back from New York. We went on a crazy museum streak and we visited The Met, MOMA, Copper Hewitt, Museum or Art and Design, Museum of Natural History, Parsons (The New School), The Whitney, The Guggenheim, we explored the High Line and went to the top of the Rock. Here are some the the pictures I took.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015


I might be little ahead of the game here, but the project after the post card project will be a food photography project. I am not entirely sure of the specifications of the project, but I've been brainstorming ways I could connect this to my thesis for the year. I was thinking a lot about food from different places, and how it is important to explore foods and try new things while wandering and adventuring. Then I had the idea of cooking food and plating it in the shape of the country of origin. I'm not entirely sure how good this idea is but I wanted to write it down before I forgot it. I did a little research and found some examples of things that are similar to my idea. I also found some interesting food collages that I liked.

Julie's Kitchen, Food, Food Collage, Digital Photography
Julie's Kitchen, Food, Food Collage, Digital Photography

Andrea Bricco, Casa de Perrin, Food and Plating
Andrea Bricco, Casa de Perrin, Food and Plating

IB Thesis

In IB Art we choose a thesis for the year. This year I am going to be incorporating the theme of wandering and exploring into my art. Here is a link to my thesis presentation:

Zanna's Thesis Presentation!!


The next project we will work on is a postcard project. We will be taking film we shot over the summer (I will be using photos from Italy) and creating a series of postcards. I'm thinking about using this series of door pictures I took while I was in Italy. I will print 7-10 pictures of different doors that I took pictures of and I will apply different printing methods. I will make a cyanotype for one postcard, a gum bichromate for another, scan some images into the computer and edit and print it digitally, I will print some on semi-matte paper and hand paint them. This works really well with my thesis for the year (my thesis is wandering/exploring).
Julian Smart, Untitled 1, Gum Bichromate
Pirkko Holm: Map 2, multiple coated cyanotype

Appropriation: Banksy

In class we are studying art appropriation. Art appropriation is the idea of using previous works of art to create something new, intentional borrowing or copying of a pre-existing work. Below are some of Banksy's works, he has taken existing works and altered them. He has altered the work to communicate his slightly satirical message.

Banksy, untitled, appropriation of Millet's “The Gleaners” mixed media.
"Banksy of England" Banksy
"Show Me Monet" Banksy

Dustin Yellin

I found this Ted Talk by the artist Dustin Yellin. He creates 3D sculptures with many layers of glass. I think for a future project I might print on multiple sheets of glass and create some sort of image created when I put the sheets of glass back to front.

Dustin Yellin, "Psychogeography 43" mixed media, glass, 2014

Final Draft Part 1

This is the final draft of our first project. 
Analog Photo, Glossy Fiber Based Paper, 11x14